Dynamics of Youth community platform

Becoming Adults in a Changing World

Level up! – Looking back on our annual event

On December 12, the DoY community Becoming Adults in a Changing World convened for the second time in Tivoli, an event location in downtown Utrecht. The theme of the meeting was “Level Up”. This refers to the fact that the community managed to deepen connections between partners and roll out promising projects during the past…

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Pop-Up Meeting: Growing Up and Growing Out?

The “Growing Up and Growing Out?” pop-up meeting on November 27, 2023, offered a unique opportunity to unravel the complexities of the transition from adolescence to adulthood. This is a dynamic period marked by important changes in social roles of dependency (e.g., parental dependence) to roles of adult responsibilities. Adolescents have a growing need for…

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Pop-Up Meeting: Transitions to Work

On October 10th we had our first ever pop-up meeting with as theme “Navigating from School to Work”. We look back on an inspiring afternoon where a lot of new connections were made.   In the first part of the pop-up meeting, we were joined by Professor Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt, head of department of Sociology…

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ToekomstDenkTank meeting: choices for the future: school, study, and you(th)

In the ToekomstDenkTank meeting held on September 6th, we explored the various pathways that young individuals may encounter as they navigate their journey to a working life. The evening started with an engaging lecture delivered by Charlotte Mol on children’s rights and family judges. She also shared her personal story about the journey towards work. …

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ToekomstDenkTank Meeting

The ToekomstDenkTank was established as a means of bringing the voice of youth to the fore in the work of Becoming Adults community. In late June, the DenktTank held its second meeting, which began with a pizza gathering at the Neude library. The evening soon transitioned into a discussion on political participation, a key theme…

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Youth Participation in Research

At the end of May some thirty researchers came together to exchange knowledge and experience on youth participation in research.With representatives from both Dynamics of Youth at Utrecht University and the Healthy Start community, the event served as a platform for forging new connections, sharing insights, and raising questions. Healthy Start Convergence Fellow Lysanne te…

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First Coffee Date

We want to support and facilitate new and emerging collaborations around the themes of the Becoming Adults community. We have just piloted a no-stakes coffee date, in which we invite two researchers with aligned interests to meet and explore areas of mutual interest, with the potential for future collaboration. The first coffee was had by…

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Program Youth Participation in Research – Wednesday 31 May

To strengthen the societal impact of research, researchers increasingly seek ways to actively involve children and youth in their projects, but how do you design youth participation projects in such a way that is meaningful to both researchers and youth? To explore this question and learn from each other, Dynamics of Youth and Healthy Start…

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The Themes of the Community: a matrix of challenges

What does it mean and what does it take to become an adult in our changing world? How do we best support young people at this phase of their lives? These are, of course, deep, complex, and multifaceted questions. To give some structure and focus to the work of the community we have identified sixteen…

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