Societal impact
In the context of societal impact Dynamics of Youth will contribute to solving societal challenges in the field of youth development. We therefore encourage public and policy engagement with potential users, funders, policymakers and contributors to research, and with young people and parents whose lives may be affected by it.

Public engagement
Researchers of Dynamics of Youth participated in the project “Even over morgen”, which means “About tomorrow”. They talked to Utrecht residents of all ages and backgrounds about themes or issues that matter to them. One of the questions was: “In which world do you want to grow up”?”
Read the Magazine about this project or watch the video:
Even over morgen: UU-wetenschappers en bibliotheekbezoekers in gesprek:
Podcast series JongGeleerd

Dynamics of Youth started the Dutch podcast series JongGeleerd. A different theme is highlighted every episode. The aim of the podcast is to share scientifically substantiated of our researchers and information of social partners with youth professionals. Listen to the podcast series JongGeleerd via