Dynamics of Youth community platform

Youth Education & Life Skills

DoY Meet-Up: Pitch workshop & network drinks – Tuesday November 5th

We are looking forward to see you during our pitch workshop, November 5th between 15:30 and 17:30 in the University Library (City Center). You will have the opportunity to write and record your pitch with help of our communication experts. Afterwards there are drinks and you can talk about your research and experiences during the workshop with fellow DoY researchers.

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An interview with Pomme from the YELS funded project ‘Equality and Opportunity in the Dutch Educational System’

September 2024 Pomme van de Weerd, Lotte Henrichs and Floris Burgers were granted funding from YELS during the second round of funding for their project “Equality of opportunity in the Dutch educational system: A research-policy network meeting”. In an earlier post, their project has already been introduced to the community. How are they doing now? YELS’s student assistant Bob sat down…

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An update from our project: Co-Creating inclusive imaginaries for youth wellbeing and life-skills in Curaçao

July 2024 Project by Ajay Bailey, Patricia Wijntuin, Wiebe Bor, Ashley Duits and Royla Pierre. On  Friday 17th  of May Professor Ashley Duits ( Curaçao Biomedical Health Research Institute), one of the partners in the research project our joint project “Co-creating inclusive imaginaries for youth wellbeing and life-skills in Curaçao”, visited Utrecht University. The meeting was…

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3 new projects off to start!

In May, our UU and UMC colleagues had the opportunity to apply for funding and support to help create activities that fit the scope of Youth Education and Life Skills. In our community, we focus on how education empowers young people and these projects will help get a better understanding of this. We are very…

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How are they doing, our YELS funded projects? 

June 2024  YELS has funded several interdisciplinary research projects since June 2023 (you can read more about them here and here). These projects are progressing nicely. Below you find a short update of some of them, as a sneak peak for more elaborate updates that will follow in the upcoming months as the projects progress.  …

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New round of financial support for research activities

A new round of financial support is offered by the community Youth Education & Life Skills to promote and support research activities that fit the scope of YELS. We look forward to receiving your proposals by the 27th of May 2024.  You can find the application form on the page Funding Opportunities. Focus and values  In…

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Utrecht x ALiVE collaboration workshop – 28-30 May

Many African countries are moving to a Competency-based Curriculum (CBC) that focuses on life skills as core competencies. However, the actual implementation and integration of teaching and learning practices that foster life skills competencies in the classroom context are still unclear, and the assessment of these competencies is, in many ways, still in its infancy….

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Symposium on Belonging and Teacher Practices – 15 may

On Wednesday evening May 15th, the Symposium on Belonging and Teacher Practices took place at the Academy Building in Utrecht. We look back on an inspiring evening with the special presence of Melanie Acosta all the way from Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Acosta is an Associate Professor of Education, and her research, teaching and services…

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