Dynamics of Youth community platform

Youth Education & Life Skills

Research report published for YELS-funded project on digital media literacy amongst UU students

Back during YELS’ very first round of funding, a project by Eugène Loos, Marcel Boumans, Maryse Chappin, Bruce Mutsvairo, Rianne van Lambalgen, Marie-Louise Goudeau, student-assistant Anke de Groot and societal partner Wout Haakman from Sourcer started up to research the use of Sourcer amongst UU students; a tool used to inform the user of the online news sources they read, aiming to help…

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Wint jouw onderzoek de Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs?

Jaarlijks wordt tijdens het InScience Film Festival de Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs uitgereikt. Deze prijs is bedoeld om een jong en breed publiek bekend te maken met Nederlands wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Alle universiteiten, hogescholen en UMC’s van Nederland kunnen onderzoek insturen. Over het onderwerp van het winnende onderzoek wordt door Het Klokhuis een aflevering gemaakt en uitgezonden. Een leuke manier…

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Learn more about our six newest YELS-funded projects!

Last November at YELS, the latest round of applications for funding and support came to a close. In our community, we focus on how education empowers young people; our projects illustrate YELS’s message and goal. We are very happy to announce that we were able to grant financial support to another six projects. In this…

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DoY Meet-Up – May 6th

The Dynamics of Youth communities are organizing a DoY Meet-Up every month. These Meet-Ups offer researchers a chance to share perspectives from different disciplines and strengthen their networks. The DoY meet-up takes place every first Tuesday of the month from 15:30 to 17:30. The meetings start with a content-focused / skills-focused part where ongoing research…

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YELS Project Meet-Up: exploring together

On November 5th, we gathered in the beautiful University Library Hall in the city center for the very first YELS Project Meet-Up. It was an afternoon to get to know each other and the research projects of the Youth Education & Life Skills community, as well as to inspire and support each other in our…

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Terugblik Weekend van de Wetenschap

Van klaslokalen met zitzakken en virtual reality tot roze glitters, achtbanen en boerderijdieren: aan creativiteit ontbrak het niet tijdens het Weekend van de Wetenschap op 6 oktober bij de Universiteit Utrecht. De kinderen gingen aan de slag met het knutselen van hun eigen klaslokaal van de toekomst. Ze lieten hun fantasie de vrije loop gaan…

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New round of financial support for research activities

A new round of financial support is offered by the community Youth Education & Life Skills to promote and support research activities that fit the scope of YELS. We look forward to receiving your proposals before the November 29, 2024. Focus and values In the Youth Education & Life Skills community, we study how education…

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