Dynamics of Youth community platform

Booster grant

In recent years, important steps have been taken towards increased cooperation between Child Health (UMCU) and Dynamics of Youth (UU). We continue strengthening our cooperation, among others by joint booster grants, once a year. The booster grants support, increase or amplify the effectiveness, power, and strengths of collaborations across the UMCU and UU. The Child Health & Dynamics of Youth booster grants facilitate:

  • Interdisciplinary research, connecting researchers from Child Health and Dynamics of Youth
  • Research utilizing data, tools, and methods already available and certified (including replication studies)
  • The booster grants are open once a year, usually in Q3

Contact information:

If you have questions, please contact Carolien Huizinga or Jacobine Buizer, via C.S.M.Huizinga@umcutrecht.nl or J.E.Buizer-Voskamp@uu.nl