Dynamics of Youth community platform

Becoming Adults in a Changing World

The Themes of the Community: a matrix of challenges

What does it mean and what does it take to become an adult in our changing world? How do we best support young people at this phase of their lives? These are, of course, deep, complex, and multifaceted questions.

To give some structure and focus to the work of the community we have identified sixteen major themes. These come together in a matrix which is built around four of the perpetual issues young people need to navigate in their transition to adulthood, and four key factors in our current social environment which raise both challenges and opportunities.

This is a matrix in development and is not firmly set, but can serve as a starting point to see if and where your interests align with the focus the Becoming Adults community. If you have a particular affinity for one of the themes, please don’t hesitate to contact us at becomingadults@uu.nl. Similarly, please contact us if you are passionate about a related area that doesn’t seem to be adequately addressed.