DoY Meet-Up – Escaperoom
On June 6th, 2024, the third DoY Meet-UP took place, hosted by the Early Childhood community and the UMC Utrecht strategic themes Child Health and the Brain Center. We decided to give the meet-up a playful angle and organized an escape room.
Dynamics of Youth, Child Health and the Brain Center are all focused on interdisciplinary collaboration. For an interdisciplinary team to be successful, creative problem solving and effective communication are essential. During the DoY Meet-Up we tested these skills with our escape room.
The escape room consisted of various tasks related to different research areas, all focusing on early development. From identifying EEG electrodes to recognizing different parts of a rat’s brain by touch, and from a memory task to emotion recognition, everything was included. In two rounds, six interdisciplinary groups competed to complete all tasks as quickly as possible while the clock ticked away. After sixty minutes of intense effort, the tasks of the escape room were discussed during drinks.
Of course, only one team could be fastest to escape. We want to congratulate the ‘Stemmy stems’, who finished with only 14 minutes and 35 seconds left on the clock.

All in all, the escape room was a fun final DoY activity of this academic year. However, that doesn’t mean that DoY is going on vacation. From 19-24 August the Early Childhood community is organizing a Summer School, which you can sign up for until June 30th.
After the summer holiday, the DoY meet-ups start again on every first Tuesday of the month between 15:30 and 17:30. The first DoY meet-up will be organized on September 3rd by the DoY office where we are going to be looking back and forward. The next meet-ups are October 8th, November 5th and December 3rd.
We have already decided to make the November meeting all about the funding recipients of the communities. With support – both financial and non-financial – of the communities, a wide variety of projects have been realized. We will proudly present these projects on November 5th.
If you want to connect with us or stay updated, please join our teams or send us an email at
For now we wish you a great summer holiday and we hope to see you again next year!