Early Childhood
DoY EC & YELS Meet-Up 5th of November
On November 5th, the DoY communities of Early Childhood and Youth Education & Life Skills organized a pitch workshop at the university library in the city center. Els Aarts from the Centre for Science & Culture (CWC) was present to lead to workshop and help support our participants.
The workshop focused on four key steps. First, participants identified their audience, considering who they were speaking to. Next, they worked on grabbing the audience’s attention by imagining ways to spark interest. In the third step, they clarified their core message, focusing on one main goal and one message they wanted to convey. Finally, they ended with a call to action, specifying what they wanted the audience to do, such as take action, make a purchase, look something up, or adopt a belief. With all these steps complete, participants were ready to record their pitches.

Participants had the chance to write their pitches, practice with one another, and get helpful tips from each other and from the trainer. At the end, they recorded their preliminary pitches with a professional setup. This provided participants with the opportunity to learn by observing themselves delivering a pitch, while also giving them a tangible takeaway to reflect on and build upon. At the end of the workshop, participants could sign up to record their pitch in a professional studio at a later time.
Attendees appreciated the collaborative environment and the opportunity to connect with new people. Many expressed that they enjoyed sharing their research ideas—whether during pitch discussions or afterward in informal conversations.

Next time on December 3rd (15:30-17:30) DoY Thriving and Healthy-Youth will organize a Meet-UP which will be all about emotion measurement. Emotions are involved in all aspects of life and studied in many different ways, but emotion research is therefore also scattered across disciplines. With this in mind, we bring together many researchers from different fields, such as psychology, biology, methodology and statistics, language sciences, and information and computing science, that will share their insights and challenges when it comes to emotion measurement. For more information see: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/dynamics-of-youth-meet-up-4.